Young adults using ED drugs

The Texas Rangers slugger Rafael Palmerio is 37 years old and he will not admit to having erection troubles. But he appears in ads promoting the ED drug. People started to wonder if he really suffers dysfunctions or if Pfizer, the company making this drug, wants to encourage young men to try it just for fun.

It's true that penile dysfunction is more usual among older men, but lots of potential consumers are barely senior - around 40% of 40-year-old-males in the USA have certain degree of ED. Most of the today's consumers are in early to middle 50s.

Myron Murdock, urologist and the Impotence Institute of America director, states these males are probable to consume ED drugs because they want to have a superior sexual performance. Murdock also states that a younger man "wants his V-12 Jaguar to work just perfectly," though an older man can be having less reliable erections. Moreover, younger men's sexual partners want them to have a great performance in the bed, as stated by Murdock.

Most young men have normal sexual performance, but Murdock says there are problems that can come up even in teenage years. Arteries hardening that limits blood flow to the phallus is one of them, so when the young man reaches his 20s, his capability to attain and maintain an erection has already started to decrease. Murdock is also sure that young men seeking ED drugs for recreational use have some problems with erection.

It is also known that some of these drugs can reduce the period it takes a male to recover after intercourse and be prepared for the next round. This is referred to as "refractory period." Usually it lasts 20 minutes or so. One magazine has published a research in 2000 that found out that this period can be shortened to 10 minutes in healthy individuals.

The thing that Viagra and similar drugs can't do is augment your sexual desire or make you reach orgasm if you have problems with attaining it.

Although you might wan to request Viagra or something similar from one of the multiple web shops, you shouldn't. If you want to use these drugs, you have to bring your physician into your sexual life.

When you purchase from web pharmacies, you only have to answer several questions before proceeding to the checkout page. If you answer frankly, the questionnaire can have some probable difficulties. Anyway, pharmacists who complete your request don't know your clinical history. Erectile dysfunction can have serious underlying reasons, like hear disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, or liver disease. Ordering Viagra online can result in some severe problems.

These drugs may also make intercourse better for women. Same as the penis, the clitoris is an erectile tissue. By augmenting blood flow to it, ED drugs can increase female's sensitivity and sexual excitement. As well, it seems to augment vaginal lubrication.

The FDA hasn't approved Viagra for females, but it seems it's only a matter of time. Some doctors do prescribe things like Viagra to women and that is absolutely legal. Doctors can act at their judgment. The studies performed on ED drugs for safety and efficiency in women have also displayed good results to this point. So, it seems women will also use ED drugs like men.