Is Cialis like an aphrodisiac?

Whenever you start reading about erectile dysfunction, the first facts that leap off the screen are that this is a physical problem and, as such, there is a treatment or cure. Most of the explanations of why erections fail focus on different chemical messengers, and arteries dilating or contracting. It's like reading a description of a plumbing system - turn this valve, water pressure builds here, and so on. This type of explanation suits the pharmaceutical companies. If this chemical messenger is the problem, a drug that specifically targets it will solve the problem. Except human biology is not always so predictable. Let's start again. From the dawn of time, men have sometimes had difficulty in getting an erection hard enough to penetrate a woman. Out of frustration, they have looked around for solutions and, over time, a number of natural substances have emerged as aphrodisiacs. The lists vary from century to century and culture to culture. The substances work because the prevailing mythology predicts they will work. It may be the crushed horn of this animal added to food, or the blood of this animal notorious for its sexual prowess rubbed on to your penis. There are no common denominators. The process that produces the results takes place in the mind. These substances work because the mind believes in them strongly enough.

Starting this article again means making a simple statement. An erection is a response to sexual stimulation. If the mind does not find the activity stimulating, there will be no erection. As proof of this, we need go no further than the thousands of clinical trials for all major drugs on the market. The methods are consistent. You divide the participants into two groups. One gets the real drug. The other gets a placebo, i.e. a fake tablet that looks the same but is made out of chalk or some other inert substance. A placebo cannot have any physical effect but, on average, about one-third of all participants who are given the placebo report an improvement in their condition. They improve because the mind is strong enough to change the biology of the body.

Now we can say something real about a drug like cialis. This is the leading brand for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in many of the markets around the world. It's reputation is so great that it has even attracted the nickname of the "weekend pill", i.e. it produces thirty-six hours of sexual responsiveness. There is no doubt at all about the effectiveness of this drug. As a matter of chemistry, it does exactly what it's supposed to do. What completes its performance is the power of its reputation. When men take a drug which has such a good reputation, the chemical action is added to the placebo effect and, with mind and body working together, it produces the best results. Cialis is good and gets better because men believe in it. Now available in two forms, you can enjoy the benefits of this modern aphrodisiac as either the weekend pill, taken as needed, or in a once-daily form to give you an erection on demand whenever the opportunity arises.