Viagra meets its natural opponent

It's hard not to talk about the little blue pill when discussing erectile dysfunction. Since its introduction in 1998 millions of men all over the world have experienced real treatment of their sexual problems, which couldn't be resolved earlier. And there's no wonder that so many people list Sildenafil as one of the most important pharmaceutical inventions of the 20th century. Still, there's a lot of controversy surrounding the drug, as many people claim having serious side-effects when using it. Some men choose to purchase similar drugs that aren't quite different from the blue pill. While people like Dr. Giuseppe Chirino of the University of Naples, Italy are looking for natural ways to achieve the same effects as you get with popular ED drugs. And it is quite possible that simple things you have in your fridge can be as effective as Sildenafil.

Dr. Chirino has discovered that rotten eggs can actually treat erectile dysfunction in men. His discovery was a result of an accident in his home. Dr. Chirino was conducting tests on laboratory mice at his home, and has left the test subjects for three months, leaving the city. When he came back, he first observed that his apartment is filled with stench of rotten eggs (seems that the fridge has broken down). But there was much more to come. The real surprise was when he opened up the cage with mice only to discover that they were twice as many as he supposed with their natural breeding rates. Male mice were very active sexually and that resulted in a large number of offspring.

The most interesting observation, however, was that Dr. Chirino himself has observed a much stronger sexual drive and erection while he was trying to get rid of the rotten egg stench. He couldn't understand what's producing the effect at first, but when he realized, it was a push for numerous laboratory experiments with quite and unpleasant odor.

Dr. Chirino undertook several laboratory experiments with rotten eggs and his ideas were proven to be right - rotten eggs can actually improve male potency! Well, to be more specific, it is hydrogen sulphide - a gas produced while the eggs rot - that is responsible for such an effect. But before you start looking for rotten eggs in your trash can, hoping it will work like Viagra, keep in mind that this gas can be very harmful in large doses. Dr. Chirino has ventured further into studying the effects of this gas, and has discovered that it works pretty much the same as generic Viagra - by stimulating blood flow into the penis. But taking the fact that it's a completely natural product with almost no known side effects (only if you are allergic to eggs) it seems like we are going to see the creation of a completely new natural drug class some time in the future.

Of course, it's too early to expect mass production of rotten eggs for treating erectile dysfunction and we will still have our online Viagra shops all over the web. But Dr. Chirino is very optimistic with his discovery, claiming that he will conduct more studies on the subject and will hopefully come up with a pharmaceutical solution to erectile dysfunction based on his discoveries.