Why the blue pill is the best ED medication in the world?

You have probably heard many times about Sildenafil or as we now know it, the Blue Pill. This drug has been around for over a decade and marked a new area of sexuality, which can easily be compared to the Sexual Revolution of the 20th century. Why is that? Because prior to the Blue Pill there was no effective remedy for erectile dysfunction and men having that condition were left with no possibilities to overcome their problems and had to suffer in silence. But with the advent of the new drug, things have changed drastically. Erectile dysfunction has become the topic for public discussion and was openly spoken about in newspapers, magazines and on national TV. The problem, which people were unaware of before, has surfaced and shown its real proportions, which were really impressive.

Almost all men experience erection problems every now and then and there's nothing to worry about. But if the problem persists over a period of time and there are no improvements, this is the case of erectile dysfunction. And research have found that practically all men experience erectile dysfunction at a certain point of their lives, and this doesn't mean only late adulthood as younger men were also reported to experience the problem. These results were quite shocking as there are millions and millions of men over the world who suffer from a condition that could not be cured before. Of course, there were numerous natural remedies, herbal solutions, drugs that boosted sexual performance and even special surgeries that ensured mechanical erection. But it was never as effective and convenient as just taking one single pill and enjoying the pleasure of intimacy to the max.

Viagra has changed that situation dramatically by being the first orally administered drug that was observed to help in almost all cases of erectile dysfunction, bringing back the joy of sex and lovemaking to men, some of which have already forgot how it should be done. It was approved for treating erectile dysfunction in 1998 and after that it simply exploded the whole pharmaceutical market, creating a niche of its own and bringing its developers (Pfizer) so much money that its competitors can't even reach today if combined. Men all over the world started to buy Viagra because there were no alternatives and it really helped. Having a global market where you are the single player is a great advantage for any product, and the Blue Pill was just lucky to be that very magical remedy that men across the globe were waiting for ages.

Of course, similar products from different manufacturers followed a few years later, some of them being more advanced than the pioneer of ED treatment. But still, men choose to buy Viagra at numerous online pharmacies because they know it will help them. People already know what the drug is capable of doing and the fact that it's sold practically all over the world makes it simply the best ED medication on the planet, no matter how hard the competitors try to rival that position.